To block all sites with hosts.deny you should put ALL: ALL in your /etc/hosts.deny file.. But there are some better ways to do this, for example: Using a firewall like iptables, with firewall you can block all HTTP, HTTPS, whatever traffic you want and allow it for some spacial IP, domain, etc.

How To Whitelist Hosts/IP Addresses In Postfix . Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme . If you are administrating a mail server and use blacklists to block spam (like in this article: How To Block Spam Before It Enters The Server (Postfix)), you probably know this problem: from time to time your customers complain that they cannot receive emails from certain freemailers. Jan 19, 2010 · Slow Remote File Transfers From Server, but Fast Uplink Speed - Need Help: Networking: 47: Jul 9, 2019: S: Share Internet From Windows XP VM to Windows 10 Host (Vmware) Problem: Networking: 9: May 8, 2019 Incorrect modifications can result in file corruption, which may result in the whitelist to fail and/or may prevent your server from starting. The commands needed to add/remove players and to view the whitelist are as follows: To add players: whitelist add player_name To remove players: whitelist remove player_name To view the whitelist The domains you list in the whitelist file are excluded from the final hosts file. The whitelist uses partial matching. Therefore if you whitelist, that domain and all its subdomains won't be merged into the final hosts file. The whitelist is not tracked by git, so any changes you make won't be overridden when you git pull Dec 15, 2019 · Hosts File Editor features a clean, easy to use interface. To begin using the program, populate the table with IP Addresses, Host Names, and a comment on the websites you want to manage. May 10, 2020 · Hosts file is basically a text file buried deep inside your computer’s Windows folder, but you won’t find a .txt extension next to its name. You can see the file by navigating to the path given below: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc. The size of original file tends to be around 824 bytes. The Hosts file is used by the operating system to map human-friendly hostnames to numerical Internet Protocol (IP) addresses which identify and locate a host in an IP network. The hosts file is one of several system resources that address network nodes in a computer network and is a common part of an operating system's IP implementation.

FWIW, the reason for this was to put some childrens' sites on the whitelist, but to block out all other sites, for a child. "TonyT said: ↑ You can used the HOSTS file to do what you want, but the problem is that the HOSTS file is used by all user accounts.

For Chrome devices to work on a domain with TLS inspection (also known as SSL inspection), some hostnames need to be exempt from inspection. This is because certificates can only be imported at the us Apr 09, 2004 · In Windows machines you may not already have a hosts file. If this is the case there will most likely be a sample hosts file called hosts.sam that you can rename to hosts and use as you wish.

Wait for a section titled 'Whitelist mode: hosts that can login' to appear on the screen. For each site to which you want to allow users to login, Type the URL or IP address in the 'Address' field. Click the 'Add' button.

The /etc/sudoers file is designed to be able to be distributed among multiple servers. In order to accomplish this, each permission in the file has a host portion. In order for sudo to know whether this rule should be applied, it needs to lookup the host it is running on. Allow or deny access to websites - Google Chrome