Vietnam's Liberal Publishing House Wins IPA's 2020 Prix

Solidarity in Little Saigon “Vietnam’s policies,” a release from Freedom House said, “are driven by the assumption that Roman Catholicism and Protestant Christianity are seamlessly connected with Vietnam’s imperialist enemies past, present, real and imagined.” U.S. claims religious repression underway in Vietnam, but Jul 09, 2020 Nguyen Bac Truyen | Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission

How the Freedom House Ambulance Service Became the First

Freedom House Ambulance Service - Wikipedia

In response to his death, members of the Beneficent Congregational Church not only passed a resolution dated December 15, 1965 dedicating themselves to ending the Vietnam War but also called upon the country’s leadership to find new methods of bringing freedom, justice and decency to the world.

Vietnam Education Foundation, individuals in Vietnam who advocate religious freedom, the rule of law, and legal reform. In addition, the U.S. Congress should pass the Vietnam Human Rights Act of 2003 and, in conjunction with the Commission, review Vietnam's human rights practices, including particularly severe violations Freedom House Declares Vietnam "Not Free" in 2017 Report