Ext JS - API documentation from Sencha

The combo-box doesn't filter the data store, it just returns a full list of the datastore regardless of what i type (see picture at bottom of post). The code I have used is below, unfortunately I don't have an external facing site to show. Jun 30, 2012 · In ExtJS, a combobox loads(by default) its corresponding store from the remote server once we open the page containing the combo. For some reason I need a filtered store rather than a complete store in this combo when I refresh the combo page. I find a way to bind store in combo by using a local copy of the store dynamically. Extjs tree filter [filtering tree items in extjs 4 ] Download source code from here: treeDemp.html , treeDemo1.js [Note: you will need extjs 4] Click the image to see demo Unfortunately, the property filter does not out-of-the-box support passing multiple fields. True enough, you could add 1 filter for each field, but this would leave you with something of an X AND Y AND Z result, instead of the desired X OR Y OR Z result. You could, of course, figure all of this out in a custom filter function. Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online with JSFiddle code editor. Mar 14, 2013 · Join Date Jun 2010 Location Saint-Petersburg, Russia Posts 31,171

Grid with Filtered and Buffered Store. A buffered rendered grid with a filtering UI is included which applies a remote filter and reloads the grid beginning at page one. The code is not minified, see filtered-buffered-store.js

Aug 23, 2013 · Its Store is loaded with JSON data from a web service and there are filters that can be applied that will reload the Store according to what is selected. For example, if the grid displays a list of movies with columns movie name, director name, and producer name, you can filter by director name and it will reload only movies with that director. ExtJS tutorial Java Store #Android #Battery #Hidden #KitKat #Migrate #MotoG Battery Beginners Charge Development Ext-all-dev.js ExtraParams Goodies Grid Iterator JSON Javascript List Map Objects POJO Sony Struts Tree Vaio cellediting combobox convert deserialize dynamic ext-all-debug.js failure filter form search serialize static success Aug 23, 2011 · Almost universally it is based on the store's cache. That's fine when you have a small data set but once you get over a certain number of records the draw time is super slow. So, to combat that we implemented paging. We also tried the buffered grid. The problem then becomes that filtering over a store's cache isn't generally what you want. When store is filtered, finds records only within filter. **IMPORTANT. If this store is Ext.data.BufferedStore, this can ONLY find records which happen to be cached in the page cache. This will be parts of the dataset around the currently visible zone, or recently visited zones if the pages have not yet been purged from the cache.**

GPL version of popular ExtJS framework. For some reason it is hard to get download link from the sencha.com ws - tremez/extjs-gpl

When store is filtered, finds records only within filter. **IMPORTANT. If this store is Ext.data.BufferedStore, this can ONLY find records which happen to be cached in the page cache. This will be parts of the dataset around the currently visible zone, or recently visited zones if the pages have not yet been purged from the cache.**