Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 Reform . For: Attorney-General’s Department. December 2011 Table of Contents. 1. Executive summary 4. 1.1 Introduction 4. 1.2 Preliminary Findings 4. 1.3 Preliminary Recommendations 6. 2. Introduction 13. 2.1 Purpose and scope of the PIA 13. 2.2 Assumptions and qualifications applied to

The Australian Information Commissioner (Information Commissioner) has a range of powers and obligations in regards to the administration of the Telecommunications Act 1997 and the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979. Role of the Australian Information Commissioner. The Information Commissioner: Comprehensive revision of the Telecommunications Telecommunications (Interception) Act 1979 on 1 June 1980.2 In 2006, the Telecommunications (Interception) Act 1979 was amended to change the name of the Act (amongst other things) to the current Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 (TIA Act).3 The Attorney-General's Department (the department) has advised that the objectives Telecommunications (Interception) Tasmania Act 1999 An Act to enable the Tasmania Police Service to be declared an agency for the purposes of the Telecommunications (Interception) Act 1979 of the Commonwealth and for related purposes [Royal Assent 16 July 1999] Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of

Jul 15, 2014

TELECOMMUNICATIONS (INTERCEPTION AND ACCESS) ACT 1979 - SECT 5 Interpretation (1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears: "ACC" means the Australian Crime Commission. "ACC Act" means the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002. "access" , in relation to a stored communication, has the meaning given by section 6AA. TELECOMMUNICATIONS (INTERCEPTION AND ACCESS) ACT 1979 - SECT 5D Serious offences. General types of serious offences (1) An offence is a serious offence if it is: (a) a murder, or an offence of a kind equivalent to murder; or About this compilation The compiled Act This is a compilation of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 as amended and in force on 29 June 2013. It includes any amendment Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 Act No. 114 of 1979 as amended This compilation was prepared on 28 March 2011 taking into account amendments up to Act No. 4 of 2011 The text of any of those amendments not in force on that date is appended in the Notes section The operation of amendments that have been incorporated may be

The federal Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 and State and Territory listening devices laws may both apply to monitoring or recording of telephone conversations. The general rule is that the call may not be recorded. Section 7 of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 prohibits intercepting a telephone call. . "Interception" is defined in section 6, of

Telecommunications Interception Act 2009